In 2013/14 HSE inspectors are asked to carry out proactive inspections at woodworking/furniture factories primarily to look at machinery and wood dust control.
These industries are listed under Group B (high or medium risk industries) of the HSE Manufacturing Sector Strategy thus equiring targeted proactive interventaion/inspection on particular processes.


The woodworking industries have higher than average injury rates, in particular for those involvingcoshhlevtesting2 machinery. There is also an occupational health risk from exposure to wood dust. the aim of the
inspections is to address these two risks.
There are approximately 238,000 carpenters and joiners employed in the woodworking sector. It has been estimated that approximately 75% of these are micro-businesses of less than 10 employees.


The purpose of the inspection is to:

  • assess, and where necessary raise, employers/duty holders awareness of machinery safety issues.
  • assess, and where necessary raise, employers/duty holders awareness of the requirements for controlling the risks from wood dust
  • check that operators/supervisors have recieved adequate training in the safe use of machinery and correct use of LEV
  • check that LEV is suitable and is being used and maintained correctly
  • check that LEV suppliers/examiners are providing suitable/adequate information to the duty holder.


At Inventair Ltd we are constantly trying to ensure we provide a quality service, not just from initial design, quotation and installation but in aftercare services also.
We have an independent Coshh Test engineer and our installation manager is set up to visit customers on a maintenance plan basis.
We value your business and would welcome the opportunity to add you to our maintenance and Coshh calender for regular services.

Please call us on 01262 400919 to discuss how we can help you